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Displaying 1 - 100 of 332 total posts.     Page: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4  Next

submitted on October 12, 2023 10:14 AM EDT
Name: Fred DeFelice
Email Address: myoldglory@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: 10904 Green Harvest Dr. FL.
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 26th Marines 1966&67 Delta Company
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Semper Fi to all my Brothers

submitted on October 12, 2023 10:14 AM EDT
Name: Fred DeFelice
Email Address: myoldglory@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: 10904 Green Harvest Dr. FL.
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 26th Marines 1966&67 Delta Company
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Semper Fi to all my Brothers

submitted on June 17, 2023 7:23 PM EDT
Name: Kenny Braitman
Email Address: kennybraitman@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Scout sniper 26 marines 1966 to 68
How did you hear about this site? Found it
Your Web site URL:

submitted on June 17, 2023 7:23 PM EDT
Name: Kenny Braitman
Email Address: kennybraitman@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Scout sniper 26 marines 1966 to 68
How did you hear about this site? Found it
Your Web site URL:

submitted on May 18, 2023 2:30 PM EDT
Name: George B. Peterson
Email Address: khesanh6768@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 7085967484
Mailing address if desired: 15534 myrtle ave
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC 1965 to 1971
How did you hear about this site? Khe Sanh Vets ?W
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Waiting for 2023 reunion info

submitted on March 12, 2023 3:49 PM EDT
Name: Charles Boothe
Email Address: DJ.dancer@hotmail.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: PO Box 455 Plainfield, Vermont 05667
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC 67-69 H&S Co. 26th Marines 8/67-4/68 Khe Sanh
How did you hear about this site? FzB
Your Web site URL:

submitted on February 9, 2023 1:50 AM EST
Name: Meghan Laliberte
Email Address: Meghan1208@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 3523011674
Mailing address if desired: 13484 Spring Hill drive Springhill fl 34609
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? No my father did
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 2nd battalion 26 marines 67-69
How did you hear about this site? Sonny
Your Web site URL:

submitted on September 17, 2022 10:01 PM EDT
Name: Richard McColgan
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired: 781-762-7126
Mailing address if desired: 108-Hill-Street-Norwood Ma. 02062
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? NAM-69-70 YES
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? usmc- E -CO-2-26-GUNS-AUG-69-FEB-70
How did you hear about this site? RON BARRATE+FRANK BOOTH
Your Web site URL:

submitted on February 4, 2022 5:27 PM EST
Name: Robert Clark
Email Address: rmichaelclark@att.net
Phone Number if desired: 708 289 4728
Mailing address if desired: 7841 W.Foresthill Lane Palos Heights IL. 60463
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? USMC
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC 3rd. Battalion 26th Marines Viet Nam 66 69
How did you hear about this site? Internet
Your Web site URL:

submitted on November 21, 2021 4:55 PM EST
Name: Cpl Mike Cutini (Wop)
Email Address: kmcmmc@roadrunner.com
Phone Number if desired: 7168682531
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Looking for Marine who served with Delta Co, 3rd platoon between April ‘68 and Feb ‘69, specifically when we got on trucks Togo afloat.

submitted on November 21, 2021 4:55 PM EST
Name: Cpl Mike Cutini (Wop)
Email Address: kmcmmc@roadrunner.com
Phone Number if desired: 7168682531
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Looking for Marine who served with Delta Co, 3rd platoon between April ‘68 and Feb ‘69, specifically when we got on trucks Togo afloat.

submitted on November 21, 2021 4:55 PM EST
Name: Cpl Mike Cutini (Wop)
Email Address: kmcmmc@roadrunner.com
Phone Number if desired: 7168682531
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Looking for Marine who served with Delta Co, 3rd platoon between April ‘68 and Feb ‘69, specifically when we got on trucks Togo afloat.

submitted on November 21, 2021 4:55 PM EST
Name: Cpl Mike Cutini (Wop)
Email Address: kmcmmc@roadrunner.com
Phone Number if desired: 7168682531
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Looking for Marine who served with Delta Co, 3rd platoon between April ‘68 and Feb ‘69, specifically when we got on trucks Togo afloat.

submitted on October 7, 2021 2:33 PM EDT
Email Address: jimectrn@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 9312870955
Mailing address if desired: 147 LAKESHIRE DR,Crossville,Tn
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USN,HM3, 66-69=-Nam 2/26th
How did you hear about this site? DAV magazine
Your Web site URL: jimectrn@gmail.com

submitted on October 7, 2021 2:32 PM EDT
Email Address: jimectrn@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 9312870955
Mailing address if desired: 147 LAKESHIRE DR,Crossville,Tn
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces?
What Branch, Unit and years of Service?
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on September 25, 2021 1:17 AM EDT
Name: Harris Meeks
Email Address: hmeeks70@aol.com
Phone Number if desired: 19048795134
Mailing address if desired: 34260 Daybreak Dr Callahan FLA
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? YES
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC 8th mar 26th mar 3th mar div 12 yrs
How did you hear about this site? inter
Your Web site URL:
Comments: PI 1958 VET 1966 TO 1967

submitted on August 24, 2021 10:14 PM EDT
Name: patrick j tesche sr
Email Address: coach758@aol.com
Phone Number if desired: 4845741353
Mailing address if desired: 1403 Christiana meadows bear del.19701
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC
How did you hear about this site? Vfw
Your Web site URL:
Comments: I was with kilo 3/26 hill 861 ,60 gunner

submitted on July 21, 2021 5:59 PM EDT
Email Address: ncingram96@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 15137202470
Mailing address if desired: 3696 Windyhollow Way
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes 65-59
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC G Co 2/26 66-67 Nam
How did you hear about this site? Military website
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Looking for anyone from my old unit G Co

submitted on July 17, 2021 8:15 AM EDT
Name: frank j hrynio
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired: 3158154259
Mailing address if desired: 3270 perryville rd canastota ny 13032
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? usmc a co 1st bn 26th mar
How did you hear about this site? web
Your Web site URL: frank.hrynio@gmail.com

submitted on December 31, 2019 4:11 PM EST
Name: john mizuri
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces?
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC E 2/26 '69
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on October 4, 2019 4:46 PM EDT
Name: Charlie Galvano
Email Address: charlie.galvano@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 9046461401
Mailing address if desired: 4473 Hunters Haven Ln.East
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC GOLF CO 2 26 MARINES 12/68 12 /69
How did you hear about this site? ON LINE.
Your Web site URL:

submitted on September 14, 2019 11:03 PM EDT
Name: Harris Meeks
Email Address: hmeeks70@aol.com
Phone Number if desired: 904 879 5134
Mailing address if desired: 34260 Daybreak Dr
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? All Over
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U S M C
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL: Veteran Websites
Comments: PI plt 104 1958 Vet Nam 1966 to1967

submitted on July 14, 2019 6:53 PM EDT
Name: Robert Foreit
Email Address: E23usmc@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Usmc 54 77
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Looking to see if there is any one from my old unit B 1 /26 was with the unit when it formed up in Calf

submitted on July 5, 2019 1:33 PM EDT
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: JDALLAPE1967@GMAIL.COM
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? YES
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? F CO. 2/29 MARINES
How did you hear about this site? Browsing the web
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Please Google Vietnam guns and fury. It's a book that tells the story of my 13 months in Vietnam, with the 2/26 Marines.

submitted on June 2, 2019 10:55 AM EDT
Name: Tony Maida
Email Address: Topfiredog@aol.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U.S.M?
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on June 2, 2019 10:53 AM EDT
Name: Tony Maida
Email Address: Topfiredog@aol.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U.S.M.C. Mike 3/2 1966-67 Us Navel Sta.69. Lima. 3/26 Jan- Nov. 1969.
How did you hear about this site? I do. Or remember
Your Web site URL:

submitted on May 23, 2019 8:42 PM EDT
Name: Ronald Swensson
Email Address: ronaldswensson2603@comcast.net
Phone Number if desired: 2392277889
Mailing address if desired: 7902 Portofino Ct
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? YES
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC, M/3/26, 66-68
How did you hear about this site? Stumbled on it
Your Web site URL:

submitted on May 11, 2019 4:51 PM EDT
Name: Marie Poppe
Email Address: poppe_jmj@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 386 283 2578
Mailing address if desired: 5870South US HWY 1 Lot B 6 Bunnell Fl 32110
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? husband Robert Bob Poppe
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Marines H&SCO 2dBn 26th Mar KheSan 25 Mr 68
How did you hear about this site? to 31 july 70 daughter
Your Web site URL: he said that he would die young and he did aug28
Comments: 97 of metistatic liver cancer primary unknown

submitted on April 9, 2019 5:16 PM EDT
Name: Tom Sardo - son of James Sardo
Email Address: sardo_67@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 203 592-3872 (call or text any time)
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC Echo co 2/26 67-68 time frame
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: i forgot to add info on who James Sardo was with, 0311 got there in 67 i think, was at khe sanh for the siege on 861A, rand the M79 and radio a lot. guys in his squad were Randy, Gramps, angel, Larry Jackson, "Brazil nut" and some others i cant remember

submitted on April 9, 2019 4:57 PM EDT
Name: Tom Sardo - son of James Sardo
Email Address: sardo_67@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 203 592-3872 (call or text any time)
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC
How did you hear about this site? googlle
Your Web site URL:
Comments: looking for other guys who knew my dad,67-69 time frame and Khe Sanh/Hill 861A

submitted on March 29, 2019 10:18 PM EDT
Name: Jack Thaxton
Email Address: kilo326marines@aol.com
Phone Number if desired: 3619606398
Mailing address if desired: 5561, Winners Circle
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? USMC
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Kilo 3/26 & India 3/1 69-70
How did you hear about this site? Google
Your Web site URL:

submitted on February 12, 2019 3:12 PM EST
Name: George Crawford
Email Address: delta126pltsgt@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 405-973-8665
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? USMC
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC. 1962-1968
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on February 8, 2019 4:36 PM EST
Name: David Buffalo
Email Address: dbuffalo6@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 18572053476
Mailing address if desired: 22 Arthur st
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 64-67 USMC - 66-67 H&S comm plt 1/26
How did you hear about this site? Khe Sahn vets web site
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Welcome Home Bro's.

submitted on February 8, 2019 12:10 PM EST
Name: Robert Foreit
Email Address: E23usmc@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC B/1/26 66to 67
How did you hear about this site? on line
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Looking for any one from my old unit

submitted on January 5, 2019 1:15 AM EST
Name: Bob Sullivan
Email Address: sully47@charter.net
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Marine Corps Golf Co. 2/26 1968-1969
How did you hear about this site? Update of previous sign-up
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Looking for Frank Hudson, Steve Byars and Gino Strawser and others.

submitted on November 22, 2018 1:51 PM EST
Name: Thomas Robinson
Email Address: thomasrobinsn@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 6618174697
Mailing address if desired: 636 Beverly dr
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? usmc 26th marines
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? iMac 26th marines 66 to 70
How did you hear about this site? Chaplin stubby
Your Web site URL:

submitted on September 28, 2018 7:16 PM EDT
Name: Richard Liddell
Email Address: rliddell@gorge.net
Phone Number if desired: (509) 250-1823
Mailing address if desired: Goldendale, Wa
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? 2/26 Golf Co. In Vietnam in 1968 and 1969.
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC 1968 and 1969
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on July 16, 2018 4:00 PM EDT
Name: Wes Choc
Email Address: w@chocs.us
Phone Number if desired: 520 425 0233
Mailing address if desired: 2636 W Crown King Dr, Tucson, AZ 85741
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC - 1stBtn 26th Marines - 1966-67
How did you hear about this site? other military websites
Your Web site URL: weschoc.com

submitted on June 20, 2018 3:40 PM EDT
Name: Frank Modlin
Email Address: modlinf@bellsouth.net
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: 625 Aspen St., Florence,SC
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Fox 2/26 1968 - 1969
How did you hear about this site? Fishing
Your Web site URL:
Comments: When in the 2018 Reunion?

submitted on June 4, 2018 6:32 AM EDT
Name: Gary Neal Crittenden
Email Address: garycrittenden@msn.com
Phone Number if desired: 8066762487
Mailing address if desired: 1723 West Austin Place
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC 1968-1972
How did you hear about this site? DAV magazine
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Went to the Nam in sept '69 and was with H&S 3/26 until they pulled out of country, in Nov-Dec '69 I think. Was then reassigned to H&S 3/5. WAsn't with you guys long enough to really get to know any one. I do recall a corpman that was from Appleton Wisconsin. He was the best at telling me what was going on and how to stay alive!!

submitted on May 13, 2018 4:09 PM EDT
Name: Howard McKinnis
Email Address: howardmck@wildblue.net
Phone Number if desired: 918-798-6599
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Marines
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on January 17, 2018 6:31 PM EST
Name: J.J.Saathoff
Email Address: gorescue@earthlink.net
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC JUL1965-JUL1992
How did you hear about this site? TWS
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Interested in the 2018 Reunion

submitted on January 17, 2018 11:28 AM EST
Name: C Roberts Hewlett
Email Address: crhewlett@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 928-468-6364
Mailing address if desired: 281 W. Eleanor Drive
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Navy USS Manatee & 2- 26th Echo Marine Marines 9 years
How did you hear about this site? 26th Marines Association Email Info
Your Web site URL:

submitted on January 16, 2018 10:34 PM EST
Name: Wes Choc
Email Address: w@chocs.us
Phone Number if desired: 520 425 0233
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC - 1stBtn 26th Marines - 1966-67
How did you hear about this site? other military websites
Your Web site URL: weschoc.com

submitted on September 17, 2017 4:31 PM EDT
Name: G H Sonny Hollub Jr
Email Address: sonnyusmc@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 512-825-4730
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? USMC
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Welcome Home, Long Overdue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVUSawOnlDo&app=desktop

submitted on July 30, 2017 12:51 PM EDT
Name: Ronald Perry
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes USMC 1963-69 Army Reserve 23 years.
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 9th Motor T Bn. /MT co Quantico/ Motor T School Pendleton l
How did you hear about this site? Motor T plt. H/S co 1/26 April 1966 Pendleton to Vietnam June 67
Your Web site URL:

submitted on July 30, 2017 12:49 PM EDT
Name: Ronald Perry
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes USMC 1963-69 Army Reserve 23 years.
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 9th Motor T Bn. /MT co Quantico/ Motor T School Pendleton l
How did you hear about this site? Motor T plt. H/S co 1/26 April 1966 C
Your Web site URL:

submitted on July 30, 2017 12:48 PM EDT
Name: Ronald Perry
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes USMC 1963-69 Army Reserve 23 years.
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 9th Motor T Bn. /MT co Quantico/ Motor T School Pendleton l
How did you hear about this site? Motor T plt. H/S co 1/26 April 1966 Cp
Your Web site URL:

submitted on July 30, 2017 12:43 PM EDT
Name: Ronald Perry
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes USMC 1963-69 Army Reserve 23 years.
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 9th Motor T Bn. /MT co Quantico/ Motor T School Pendleton l
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on July 30, 2017 12:35 PM EDT
Name: Ronald Perry
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes US
What Branch, Unit and years of Service?
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on July 26, 2017 6:32 PM EDT
Name: Calvin Williams
Email Address: texans2@att.net
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes as Navy Corpsman
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Navy A/1/26 III MAF VN 68-69
How did you hear about this site? DAV
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Reconnect with A/1/26 Navy/USMC compatriots

submitted on July 24, 2017 10:41 AM EDT
Email Address: thebull2u@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 5089911220
Mailing address if desired: 2 Chaney Ave.
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? YEP. SEMPER FI.
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? United States Marine Corps
How did you hear about this site? D.A.V. MAGAZINE
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Sure would have liked to see any pics. but can't use Facebook.

submitted on June 29, 2017 12:29 PM EDT
Name: David P. Strong
Email Address: dpsasso@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 760/680-8690
Mailing address if desired: 8950 Breckenridge Avenue, Hesperia, CA 92344-8280
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC = Oct 23, 1961 - Jan 31, 1986
How did you hear about this site? Found on Internet
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Served B Co, 1stBn26 Mar May 66 to Aug 67 RVN

submitted on June 1, 2017 2:57 PM EDT
Name: robert.buss@rcn.com
Email Address: 610-262-1197
Phone Number if desired: 5119 4th street whitehall,pa 18052
Mailing address if desired: yes
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? usmc 1976-1979
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? ancestry.com cousin killed oct 67 2nd bat hotel co. 26th marines
How did you hear about this site? cpl Wayne T Moll. I knew he was kia but didn't know where
Your Web site URL: none
Comments: SEMPER- FI

submitted on May 30, 2017 12:00 PM EDT
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: 109 TIMBER LANE, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? YES
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC, 21 PLUS YEARS
How did you hear about this site? A 26TH MARINE REGIMENT MEMBER, 1967 - 68 VIETNAM 0311
Your Web site URL:
Comments: 1ST PLT. H CO. 2/26 VIETNAM

submitted on April 26, 2017 7:38 PM EDT
Name: M/GySgt Stephen J. Gaydos Jr.
Email Address: striker22@comcast.net
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: 23708 Kehoe Marsh Ct. Leesburg FL. 34748
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U.S. Marine Corp.
How did you hear about this site? Was with the 3rd Recon BN. We have 26Th in Fl.
Your Web site URL:
Comments: I was at hill 881S I went to school with Paul Tribus when he came home he was Jin a bad way with PTSD real bad but he pull his ass together and became a Minister great Marine

submitted on April 26, 2017 7:37 PM EDT
Name: M/GySgt Stephen J. Gaydos Jr.
Email Address: striker22@comcast.net
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: 23708 Kehoe Marsh Ct. Leesburg FL. 34748
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U.S. Marine Corp.
How did you hear about this site? Was with the 3rd Recon BN. We have 26Th in Fl.
Your Web site URL:
Comments: I was at hill 881S I went to school with Paul Tribus when he came home he was Jin a bad way with PTSD real bad but he pull his ass together and became a Minister great Marine

submitted on April 2, 2017 9:32 AM EDT
Name: Lester Mundy
Email Address: ssgmundy@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 4199882272
Mailing address if desired: 6975 East St P.O. Box 104
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U.S.Marines 4 years & U.S. Army 16 years
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on January 27, 2017 2:16 PM EST
Name: William A. Lambert
Email Address: willii62@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 6156544945
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC, 26th Marines
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on January 25, 2017 8:53 AM EST
Name: Gary D.Neptune,Sr
Email Address: blkhwk47@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 207-217-7222
Mailing address if desired: 17Rolling Thunder,Indian Island,Maine,
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? I did
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U.S.M.C,Aco.26Marine 3rd Marine Div.1968
How did you hear about this site? on the web.
Your Web site URL:

submitted on October 19, 2016 2:43 PM EDT
Name: James Maybie
Email Address: shamsffl@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: (916/ 208-5120)
Mailing address if desired: 4132 California avenue. Carmichael CA 95608
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC 1968-1972
How did you hear about this site? Dan Millazo, brother in- law
Your Web site URL:
Comments: I served (in country) from 10-november 1968, thru 5-October 1969

submitted on October 3, 2016 12:26 AM EDT
Name: Jim Grisamer (Hollywood)
Email Address: akjim@comcast.net
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC Echo 2/26 1968 & 1969
How did you hear about this site? The Web
Your Web site URL:

submitted on September 29, 2016 10:07 AM EDT
Name: Dwight Hickman
Email Address: pops31049@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 229-603-3673
Mailing address if desired: P.O. Box 213 122 Wells Street,Suoth , Smithville,Ga. 31787
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC
How did you hear about this site? From a friend
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Severed in Nam 1968 26 TH Marines

submitted on August 28, 2016 9:13 AM EDT
Email Address: mccolgan 9@norwood light.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? usmc- 68-70 ""E""-2-26""GUNS""
How did you hear about this site? FRANK BOOTH+ SHRUBEY HALL
Your Web site URL: looking FOR ""RON BARRETTS PHONE #

submitted on August 14, 2016 5:07 PM EDT
Name: Lester Mundy
Email Address: ssgmundy@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 419-988-7727
Mailing address if desired: P.O. Box 104 Chatfield, Ohio 44825
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U.S.Marines 4 years & U.S. Army 16 years
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on June 13, 2016 6:18 PM EDT
Name: Paul DOC Tobin
Email Address: mcl.mail2000@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? 2nd and 3rd Marine Divisions
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? NAVY (FMF Corpsman) 1965-1969
How did you hear about this site? I knew of you in Vietnam defending that hell hole KaSahn
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Is there a list of the Corpsman in 1968 who served with 26th Marines?

submitted on May 13, 2016 9:12 AM EDT
Name: Gary Harvey
Email Address: glharvey65@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: Goose Creek, SC
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? YES
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 0311 USMC 1968-1975, 69-70 2/26 Golf 3/2; USA 1975-1994
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Lost all contact with all squad members.

submitted on May 11, 2016 6:13 PM EDT
Name: Steven J Gaydos Jr
Email Address: striker22@comcast.net
Phone Number if desired: 352-460-4151
Mailing address if desired: 23708 Kehoe Marsh Ct Leesburg FL. 34748
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? U.S.M.Corp.
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 3rd Marines, 1st Marines,5th Comm Bn.3 tours in NAM
How did you hear about this site? friends from my PTSD group
Your Web site URL:
Comments: not right know just lost my Mom 21 April

submitted on May 11, 2016 5:56 PM EDT
Name: Steven J Gaydos Jr
Email Address: striker22@comcast.net
Phone Number if desired: 352-460-4151
Mailing address if desired: 23708 Kehoe Marsh Ct Leesburg FL. 34748
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? U.S.M.Corp.
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 3rd Marines, 1st Marines,5th Comm Bn.3 tours in NAM
How did you hear about this site? friends from my PTSD group
Your Web site URL:
Comments: not right know just lost my Mom 21 April

submitted on April 6, 2016 11:42 PM EDT
Name: 0311ks@gmail.com
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces?
What Branch, Unit and years of Service?
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Greg Salo USMC TET Khe Sanh just sayin' hello.

submitted on April 1, 2016 8:14 AM EDT
Name: Richard Rivenburgh
Email Address: rrivenburgh001@nycap.rr.com
Phone Number if desired: 518 469 1813
Mailing address if desired: 29 surrey nill dr.latham new york 12110
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 2/26th marines H%S company
How did you hear about this site? computer
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Region

submitted on March 30, 2016 6:18 PM EDT
Name: Tom Parr (wally)
Email Address: tom.parr1@verizon.net
Phone Number if desired: 4104592522
Mailing address if desired: 1602 Bosworth Court
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? USMC
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 2/26 H&S Motor Pool 2/67 thru 3/68
How did you hear about this site? 26 marine association
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Looking contact with one I service with

submitted on March 30, 2016 12:23 AM EDT
Name: Elton Higgins,Jr.
Email Address: higginsjr@comcast.net
Phone Number if desired: (901)406-3878
Mailing address if desired: 1765 Kingsview Dr. Memphis Tn.38114
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC Vietnam 1969 Golf Co. 2/26 3rd Plt. 1st Sqd.
How did you hear about this site? Internet
Your Web site URL: None

submitted on March 11, 2016 5:40 PM EST
Name: Donald R Key
Email Address: usmcdon1950@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 425-757-4130
Mailing address if desired: 12611 SE 160th St
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC, echo co 2nd bn 26th marines
How did you hear about this site? friend
Your Web site URL:

submitted on February 24, 2016 8:09 PM EST
Name: Steven mason
Email Address: mace020@aol.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Usmc India co. 3rd bat. 26 marine. 1st Mar division 69 - 70
How did you hear about this site? Googled
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Guarded nano bridge, then we were at two other places in the bush.

submitted on December 30, 2015 9:06 PM EST
Name: David Tonick
Email Address: djtonick@gotsky.com
Phone Number if desired: 5305890155
Mailing address if desired: PO Box 189
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? A/1/26 3 marine div
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on November 3, 2015 10:21 PM EST
Name: john kelly
Email Address: okagustus@aol.com
Phone Number if desired: 919-557-5043
Mailing address if desired: NC
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Y
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? jar-head-0341-Golf-3rdPLT-Weapons3.5-Rockets,&H&S-81's Co. All of 68
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Khe Sanh,Hills-558,881So,LZ-Margo,LZ-Stud,DMZ,C-2 FB,Cam Lo,Camp Carroll,

submitted on August 19, 2015 1:26 AM EDT
Name: Elton Higgins, Jr
Email Address: higginsjr@comcast.net
Phone Number if desired: 9014063878
Mailing address if desired: 1265 Old Hickory Rd
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC, Golf Co.2/26 3rd plt. 1st squad 1969
How did you hear about this site? surfing
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Would like to hear from others in my unit during that time.

submitted on August 2, 2015 9:19 AM EDT
Name: Paul Culliton
Email Address: Topculliton@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 508-259-5635
Mailing address if desired: 60 Grove St. Hopkinton,Ma 01748
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC HQCO 26th Mar 1968-1969. 1966-1970 active, 1970-1988 Reserve
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on July 14, 2015 12:46 PM EDT
Name: Cliff Treese
Email Address: khesanhvet68@aol.com
Phone Number if desired: 321-604-5848
Mailing address if desired: 792 Corona Ave.N.E. Palm Bay,Fl. 32907
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC bravo 1-13
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on July 12, 2015 3:21 PM EDT
Name: David A. Kloote
Email Address: klooted@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 616-813-5307
Mailing address if desired: 1481 Red Oak Ln. NE
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC -HQ Company, 26th Marines-3years active
How did you hear about this site? DAV Magazine
Your Web site URL:

submitted on July 12, 2015 3:19 PM EDT
Name: David A. Kloote
Email Address: klooted@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 616-813-5307
Mailing address if desired: 1481 Red Oak Ln. NE
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC -HQ Compny, 26th Marines-3years active
How did you hear about this site? DAV Magazine
Your Web site URL:

submitted on June 21, 2015 10:45 AM EDT
Name: Ken Grazioso
Email Address: Graziosok@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 3/26 10/67 - 11/68
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on June 15, 2015 9:49 PM EDT
Name: Albert Miranda
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired: 9155269120
Mailing address if desired: 809 Knorr Pl. el paso Texas 79912
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? usmc
How did you hear about this site? served with 26th marines in khe sanh 1968
Your Web site URL: yahoo.com
Comments: Capt Earl Breeding informed

submitted on June 15, 2015 9:48 PM EDT
Name: Albert Miranda
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired: 9155269120
Mailing address if desired: 809 Knorr Pl. el paso Texas 79912
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? usmc
How did you hear about this site? served with 26th marines in khe sanh 1968
Your Web site URL: yahoo.com
Comments: Capt Earl Breeding informed

submitted on April 27, 2015 9:27 AM EDT
Email Address: jmizuri@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces?
What Branch, Unit and years of Service?
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: email address update

submitted on April 19, 2015 5:05 PM EDT
Name: Mike "Buck" Buckley
Email Address: agassizmike@hotmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 928-853-6319
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? B co 3rd plt 1/26 Marines Nam 1969
How did you hear about this site? Surfing
Your Web site URL:
Comments: 0331

submitted on April 17, 2015 8:50 PM EDT
Name: Milton "Mac" McNeely
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces?
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC 66-70 ---- B/1/26 Mar67-Nov68
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Samper Fi - Brothers and Sisters

submitted on April 16, 2015 3:49 PM EDT
Name: Gary Neptune
Email Address: blkhwk47@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 207-217-7222
Mailing address if desired: 17Rolling Thunder,Indian Island,Maine 04468
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U.S.M.C.
How did you hear about this site? on the web
Your Web site URL:
Comments: I would like to be thay,but Ican not

submitted on April 16, 2015 3:38 PM EDT
Name: tdwusmc@excite.com
Email Address:
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 3rd bat 26 marines
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on April 10, 2015 8:37 PM EDT
Name: L/cpl.Gary Neptune
Email Address: blkhwk47@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 2072177222
Mailing address if desired: 17Rolling Thunder,Indian Ialand,Maine 04468
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? U.S.M.C
How did you hear about this site? web
Your Web site URL:
Comments: yes,I was in Khe-Sanh,and on hill950 in 1968.Aco.1st.Bann.26 Marines

submitted on April 2, 2015 8:51 AM EDT
Name: L/CPL Gary D. Neptune
Email Address: blkhwk47@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired: 17 Rolling Thunder Dr.,Indian Island, Maine
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Marines,A company,1st Battalion,26th Marines
How did you hear about this site? web
Your Web site URL:
Comments: looking for 2 names,"Arturo Garcia sn2394656 & Vincent Begay,sn2361102"

submitted on March 4, 2015 7:22 PM EST
Name: ron echols
Email Address: echols101284@virizon.net
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes.. usmc
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? 3/26 64 to 68
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:

submitted on March 4, 2015 1:15 AM EST
Name: Jack O'Brien
Email Address: seasoldier_usmc@hotmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 352-425-1477
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC, Charlie Co 1st bn 3rd Marines
How did you hear about this site? search
Your Web site URL:
Comments: I am looking for Charles Richard Castillo, a friend of mine, we shipped out together for Vietnam from Quantico MCAS. I have included his Silver Star citation if that helps at all. http://projects.militarytimes.com/citations-medals-awards/recipient.php?recipientid=23348

submitted on February 9, 2015 4:43 PM EST
Name: Carl L Powers Jr
Email Address: gunnycarl@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired: 612-408-9220
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMCR 1967-1988
How did you hear about this site? I was in Hotel Company 2/26 1968-1969
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Update

submitted on January 15, 2015 4:54 PM EST
Name: Rudi
Email Address: rudster1@optonline.net
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC
How did you hear about this site?
Your Web site URL:
Comments: H & S 81's Motars Vietn Nam 68-69

submitted on December 31, 2014 11:14 AM EST
Name: Douglas Schlepp
Email Address: dstshtr80@gmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 4062597693
Mailing address if desired: 5047 Middle Valley Drive
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? Yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? USMC 66-91
How did you hear about this site? Found it on Facebook
Your Web site URL:

submitted on December 15, 2014 7:48 AM EST
Email Address: jsphlooker@aol.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS
How did you hear about this site? SIGNED BEFORE
Your Web site URL:
Comments: Still looking for guys from Bravo Co 3rd Plt 68 & 69. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

submitted on November 13, 2014 6:18 PM EST
Name: Gary "Doc" Monday
Email Address: lowtide6996@yahoo.com
Phone Number if desired:
Mailing address if desired:
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? USN
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? Golf Co 2/26 69-70
How did you hear about this site? surfing net
Your Web site URL:
Comments: hill 10 hill 55 hill88 "The Palace"

submitted on November 7, 2014 3:01 PM EST
Name: joe crash gherard
Email Address: joeglx7@hotmail.com
Phone Number if desired: 5617276923
Mailing address if desired: 1160 mahogany way delraybeach florida 33445
Did you serve in the American Armed Forces? yes
What Branch, Unit and years of Service? usmc lima 3 26 1968 1970
How did you hear about this site? friend
Your Web site URL:
Comments: to hear from the boys