Displaying 1 - 39 of 39 total posts.   

submitted on April 19, 2019 11:18 AM EDT
Name: Julie DeSantis
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Saw your work in the New Orleans gallery last weekend and loved it. I live in Dallas so look forward to visiting the Craighead Green Gallery.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on October 12, 2018 11:28 PM EDT
Name: Cynthia Dupree
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: I’ve fallen in love with your art.
How did you hear about this site? A relative

submitted on October 11, 2018 5:06 PM EDT
Name: Jennie DiSilvestri
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Saw some of your works in New Orleans when I was there on a trip with friends. Loved your style & color choices. I’ve never bought artwork before & was reluctant to purchase a painting on a whim. So I’m educating myself on being a art lover/buyer!
How did you hear about this site? Web search

submitted on December 7, 2017 5:17 PM EST
Name: Stephen Hymel
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Jay: Always a joy to visit your website or FB page to see your new creations and and reconnect w/ my years in the oak, pecan, and mimosa trees; in the midst of my beautiful desert surroundings I've grown to love, too, in Tucson!! :) :)
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on February 27, 2016 6:08 PM EST
Name: Tesa Laviolette
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi Jay - it was such a pleasure meeting you at the wedding! Your work is wonderful!
How did you hear about this site? The artist - how lucky is that?

submitted on December 9, 2015 10:42 AM EST
Name: Pete Reincke
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Met you at Cliff's Christmas party but had appreciated your work before!
How did you hear about this site? From Jay

submitted on July 11, 2015 1:33 AM EDT
Name: Marvin Caravalho
Email Address:
Web site URL:
How did you hear about this site? Web Browsing

submitted on October 22, 2013 9:21 PM EDT
Name: Linda Bishop
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Love the way you use color applied to vast scenes from nature. I look forward to seeing your exhibit at the Craighead Green!
How did you hear about this site? googled your name which I saw in the Dallas Morning News article this weekend

submitted on November 7, 2012 1:59 PM EST
Name: Janet Woods
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Was a pleasure meeting you at Black Tie Sat evening. I love your work! My friends JP and Marty introduced me to your work and to you. Look forward to adding a piece of your art to my collection.
How did you hear about this site? Jame Prothro

submitted on August 27, 2012 3:13 PM EDT
Name: Brenda H Edgin
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: I live in Natchez, Ms. My husband and I go to New Orleans quite often and we have seen your paintings. We would love to buy one someday- we let our favorite one get away! We have have several lovely live oak trees in front of our home (Rip-Rap)! If you would ever want to come visit Natchez and see our trees we would love it! Rip-Rap is antebellum and right down town Natchez! My number is 601 442 5845 We think your work is fabulous and we do have small collection of art. Thanks for your time, Brenda
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on June 11, 2012 3:28 PM EDT
Name: Oscar Campos
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Jay, it was a pleasure meeting you. I absolutely love your work.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on May 31, 2012 12:50 AM EDT
Name: Peter Geetam Gebhardt
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey Jay! I met you again, (I'm not sure where we met once before, but your pleasant countenance was a gift that evening). I am now going to look at your paintings. I love trees, so ever onward I go...:)
How did you hear about this site? Biz card

submitted on March 25, 2012 7:18 PM EDT
Name: Robert Holcomb
Email Address:
Web site URL:
How did you hear about this site? painting at No Tie Dinner

submitted on December 9, 2011 5:21 PM EST
Name: Lisa Soderlund
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: I'm a big lover of trees, and I think your work is stunning.
How did you hear about this site? Randy Jackson of New Orleans told me about you.

submitted on October 5, 2011 1:23 PM EDT
Name: Evelyn Chiasson
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Beautiful! I accidentally stumbled on your site while looking for ideas to paint for a friend of mine. I visited by sister in Euless a couple of years ago, it's a shame I didn't know about your gallery. I would have loved to visit. Montreal, Canada
How did you hear about this site? Fluke

submitted on August 14, 2011 12:48 PM EDT
Name: Bob Whisnant
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Jay, sorry I didn't register the first couple times I visited.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on August 11, 2011 10:29 PM EDT
Name: Sandi Scott
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: I would really like to come and photograph one of your shows. I really like your work. Thanks for sharing. Sandi
How did you hear about this site? Facebook

submitted on August 10, 2011 12:50 PM EDT
Name: Mary Ladmirault-Sullivan
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi Jay, I LOVE you work!! You have are living the dream!! You were always such a talented artist, I am really happy for you that you are successfully making it your life's work!!!
How did you hear about this site? Facebook

submitted on November 7, 2009 11:42 PM EST
Name: Sandra Yett
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Old CSC buddy resurfacing. Sitting at craft show today chatting with local artist Marty Ruiz. Wondering how your career is going these days. Happy you are doing well and still celebrating the beauty of trees. Best of luck and health and happiness!
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on November 6, 2009 3:11 PM EST
Name: CJ
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: You are so talented, Jay. Proud of you and wish you best of luck and great sucess.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on September 11, 2009 7:02 PM EDT
Name: Phyllis
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Your pictures are wonderful!
How did you hear about this site? John McKenzie

submitted on September 8, 2009 2:33 AM EDT
Name: Steve
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: I apologize for signing so late.
How did you hear about this site? Card

submitted on August 27, 2009 2:08 AM EDT
Name: john thomas henry mckinzie
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: i wake up each morning to your lovely painting. i have come to cherish it not only for its beauty but also for its calm solitude.
How did you hear about this site? google

submitted on August 13, 2009 12:15 PM EDT
Name: Mircea
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: congratulation, i paint trees, too, but like an simbol at perenity.I leave in Romania, somewhere in Europe. I like very much your whorks, they are specials, again congratulation
How did you hear about this site? surfing the internet

submitted on April 1, 2009 12:23 PM EDT
Name: Chris Turman
Email Address:
Web site URL: www,
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on April 1, 2009 10:34 AM EDT
Name: Danny Bonaventure
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: INCOMPARABLE talent. The trees have voice.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on November 4, 2008 1:14 PM EST
Name: Colin Murasko
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey Jay, I stumbled across your website when I wanted to show a student of mine one way to paint trees. She loves your work! I hope all is well.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on October 6, 2008 12:27 PM EDT
Name: Tim Roberts
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: I had no idea how talented you are. Your work is beautiful.
How did you hear about this site? know the artist

submitted on October 5, 2008 8:46 PM EDT
Name: Travis Pitre
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Jay - I met you today at the Aid walk I was a friend of TC's from New Orleans and really enjoy your art displayed here. May contact you in the future for a showing if possible. Travis Pitre
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on October 3, 2008 8:45 PM EDT
Name: Cathy Russo Coby
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi Jay - Your site and your paintings are wonderful. Such TALENT. Keep on painting!Cathy
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on October 2, 2008 10:44 AM EDT
Name: Steve Guerin
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi Jay, cool web-site. I finished the "grill island" project in my backyard patio and Susan and I are ready for you to come back and visit us in Mobile. We have been experimenting with new grilling recipes and looking for some tasters! See you soon in New Roads, Steve P.S. How is our project coming along?
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on August 19, 2008 4:24 PM EDT
Name: Leo Cusimano
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Amazing.......
How did you hear about this site? Dallas Voice

submitted on August 18, 2008 8:26 PM EDT
Name: Steve Byars
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: jay--site looks wonderful!
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on August 9, 2008 8:49 AM EDT
How did you hear about this site? JAY GAVE ME HIS CARD

submitted on August 2, 2008 3:09 PM EDT
Name: Richard Shampain
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Jay, I pulled up your web site while in Menorca Spain. Your work posted here is stunningly georgous and detailed. You created a great web site as well. This just gave me a reason to say hello :) Enjoy your summer and keep creating those powerfully beautiful paintings.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on July 23, 2008 11:34 AM EDT
Name: Joe Alvarez
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hello Jay...I'm John's friend from California. Enjoyed your paintings. The talent that some people possess is amazing. Have a great day!!
How did you hear about this site? From John, our friend

submitted on July 14, 2008 5:49 PM EDT
Name: Trish Russo
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi Jay!
How did you hear about this site? from the man himself!

submitted on July 14, 2008 10:37 AM EDT
Name: Cheryl Sevin
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Your paintings are exquisite! I love them. It's exciting to know a famous artist!!
How did you hear about this site? You

submitted on July 12, 2008 10:28 PM EDT
Name: Jon Caswell
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Cool site Jay!
How did you hear about this site? through Jay himself