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Displaying 401 - 465 of 465 total posts.    Previous  Page: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 

submitted on February 27, 2008 10:50 AM EST
Name: Theresa
Email Address: chrissy3947@sbcglobal.net
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi Rick, got to hear you guys at Sundance on saturday night. What a fun time I had. You guys are awesome. You have quite a voice, Rick. I'll be catching your band again real soon. Theresa
How did you hear about this site? Scott McKay gave me the word

submitted on February 27, 2008 10:15 AM EST
Name: Linda Citti
Email Address: Wolfette39@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Saw you guys @ The Sundance Saloon this past weekend and also saw Rick in the Chili's restaurant prior to the show. You guys were very good. Thanks
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on February 26, 2008 10:55 AM EST
Name: Mark Laschinski
Email Address: baronvonlaschbro@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Six week rotation at Sundance Saloon? I might be able to make one of the shows. Mark
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on February 25, 2008 10:18 AM EST
Name: Sue
Email Address: susan.fidlow@motorola.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Saw you guys at Sundance Saturday for the first time. Loved it, had a great time. Thanks for playing my request for "Polk Salad Annie"! I'll definitely come and see you again!
How did you hear about this site? Sundane Saloon

submitted on February 24, 2008 3:31 AM EST
Name: Ruth Plencner
Email Address: SundanceRuth@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Saw you in concert at the Sundance Saloon on Sat. nite Feb 23, 2008 You guys are GREAT I think Rick is cute Hope you come back soon
How did you hear about this site? saw the band

submitted on February 21, 2008 2:07 PM EST
Name: Vince Bart
Email Address: VinBart2@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Big fan of Rick and Roure 66
How did you hear about this site? Attending Events

submitted on February 19, 2008 9:02 PM EST
Name: Mary-Jo Romero
Email Address: mojorome88@comcast.net
Web site URL:
Comments: Can't wait to hear you "BRING-IT" @ BIG C!
How did you hear about this site? Chicago Rockabilly

submitted on February 19, 2008 2:06 PM EST
Name: Kevin West
Email Address: voodoocowboy@mchsi.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Keep up the mission!!!
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on February 18, 2008 7:33 PM EST
Name: Cheryl
Email Address: cbrown4444@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Great show at Chambers. Looking forward to the Sundance Saloon show with Anthony Smith Saturday.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on February 9, 2008 1:43 PM EST
Name: The Blonde One
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: saw you at manhattans the show was excellent!!! Rick is the show. what can i say its like the song , " I will follow him " see ya soon.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on February 9, 2008 11:42 AM EST
Name: Julie Domanico
Email Address: jrd1103@comcast.net
Web site URL:
Comments: Great show on February 8 at Manhattens! Look forward to seeing you guys play again-and thanks for making my daughter's birthday extra special!
How did you hear about this site? friend

submitted on February 6, 2008 10:54 AM EST
Name: Vince Bart & Laura Bogdan
Email Address: VinBart2@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: We are regulars of Route 66 & Wild Ones Rick Rocks
How did you hear about this site? Visiting gigs

submitted on February 6, 2008 10:54 AM EST
Name: Vince Bart & Laura Bogdan
Email Address: VinBart2@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: We are regulars of Route 66 & Wild Ones Rick Rocks
How did you hear about this site? Visiting gigs

submitted on January 25, 2008 4:22 PM EST
Name: Robert A. Olson
Email Address: rao548@comcast.net
Web site URL:
Comments: Pls keep me advised on your upcomoing schedules. Anything slated for Crystal Lake / Algonquin area?
How did you hear about this site? email

submitted on January 17, 2008 10:56 PM EST
Name: Dangerous Dan
Email Address: dfahlgren@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey Guys, Saw the show at Manhattan's a few weeks back. Fantastic!! Love that doghouse bass, and I've never seen a guitar player enjoiy himself like Todd does. You guys ROCK. Great sound, great look. Sensational screamin' Rick!! Enjoyed the heck out of it! I'll be back! Keep Rocka nd Rollin' !!
How did you hear about this site? Rick's announcements from the stage.

submitted on January 14, 2008 9:16 AM EST
Name: Tami
Email Address: Sljojowski
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi Saw you for the first time at Green Dolphin Street. You guys were really great! Thanks for a great time. Glad to see you will be back at Green Dolphin.. Tami
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on January 6, 2008 4:02 PM EST
Name: Denise
Email Address: denisedomanico@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: It was great seeing you all at Manhattans. You guys kept the place rockin until the very end. And as impossible as it may seem, I love you more each time I see you play. Thank you so much for the wonderful gift of rockabilly music that you bring to all of your fans!!!!! And it is so great to hear your original songs. Keep up the good work, and I am looking forward to your next cd.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on January 4, 2008 7:45 PM EST
Name: Greg Sullivan
Email Address: ggaragekpt@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: I think you guys rock!
How did you hear about this site? Had dinner at manhattans and you were playing and looking forward seeing again

submitted on January 1, 2008 3:36 PM EST
Name: ken lefebvre
Email Address: ydl@comcast.net
Web site URL:
Comments: Saw you at Chambers on the 28th for the first time. Great show! I hope I will be seeing you again soon.
How did you hear about this site? at Chamers show

submitted on January 1, 2008 8:20 AM EST
Name: Terri
Email Address: teralilly4@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey guys, It would be nice to see you up here in Lake County. Your to far south for me!
How did you hear about this site? At a Johnny Roger's concert, last month.

submitted on December 28, 2007 12:36 PM EST
Name: Rodney Hampton
Email Address: RHampman@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey Gents... Saw you at Manhattan's... you are the finest act I have caught in a long time... your website is a blast! Cheers...Rodney
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on December 18, 2007 10:35 AM EST
Name: Mark m laschbro1
Email Address: baronvonlaschbro@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey I wanted to be part of the Rockabilly madness too!!! But as it has been pointed out "the snow storm" kept me away from the madness...Hope to see T.W.O. soon. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Your Rockabilly Buddy, Mark m laschbro1
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on December 17, 2007 7:31 PM EST
Name: Carol & Dan
Email Address: smokeybonez1@sbcglobal.net
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi, glad we got to see you at Lamplighters on Saturday night. Even with the bad weather. It was a treat as always to see you perform. Tons of energy in the room. Cant wait to see you next time. Dont ever let the oldies music die!!!!!!
How did you hear about this site? Rick

submitted on December 17, 2007 4:09 PM EST
Name: Krissy Lawson
Email Address: K_lawson23@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi.. Saw you guys at Lamplighter Inn..during the snow storm. I was down stairs at first and heard you guys. I was thrilled to see a new group. You guys were good..grabbed the schedule..and I plan to see you guys again...great job!
How did you hear about this site? at Lamplighters

submitted on December 10, 2007 11:23 PM EST
Web site URL:
How did you hear about this site? A GOOD FRIEND

submitted on December 7, 2007 2:34 AM EST
Name: Denise
Email Address: denisedomanico@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: I finally got a chance to check out some of your songs from your new cd on cd baby, and I wanted to let you know I think your songs are absolutely great. Anybody who loves rockabilly should check this out. I saw and met Lee Rocker when he played in Green Bay, and although I love his music to distraction, I think you are right up there with him. You are so talented, and I feel so lucky that I get to see you play in local places because I think you really belong in the large venues. I cant wait to hear the rest of your cd. See you soon.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on December 6, 2007 7:58 PM EST
Name: Kevin Fisher
Email Address: kfisher@farmersagent.com
Web site URL: www.farmersagent.com/kfisher
How did you hear about this site? Read about you on a bathroom wall!

submitted on December 5, 2007 11:42 PM EST
Email Address: DTW39@AOL.COM
Web site URL:
How did you hear about this site? SAW YOU AT MANHATTANS

submitted on December 5, 2007 5:35 PM EST
Name: CoKaMoJO_Joe Locascio
Email Address: Music@NewAgeMind.com
Web site URL: http://www.cokamojo.com/
Comments: Hey Rick, Great meeting you at the Holly fundraising event. You have an excellent voice. If ever you need someone to open for you, or do any fundraising stuff just let me know. Enjoy, CoKaMoJO
How did you hear about this site? Rick gave me his card!

submitted on November 17, 2007 11:46 AM EST
Name: Mark m laschbro1
Email Address: baronvonlaschbro@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey Rick and all the rest, I'm going to try my best to make the Lamplighter's show in Palatine,"The Laschbro's Hometown"! Hope to see T.W.O. soon! Maybe Palatine will errect a big rock with the Laschbro's face's on it!
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on November 14, 2007 1:12 PM EST
Name: Sci-Co Sal!
Email Address: scicosal@scicosal.com
Web site URL: scicosal.com
Comments: I need to learn how to swing dance! All the hotties come out when you guys take the stage..........I think its Todd's stylin threads. And that bowling alley pic...swingin!
How did you hear about this site? Every bathroom wall in town !

submitted on November 7, 2007 12:18 PM EST
Name: Toni
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Thank you for Rockin'at The Big C Rockabilly Nite...you guys were The best for sure...no contest! Great Website too...The Wild Ones ARE Rockabilly in Chicago.. Toni
How did you hear about this site? At The Big C Jamboree

submitted on November 2, 2007 9:07 AM EDT
Name: ken mottet
Email Address: kenmottet@gmail.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Rick: Give me a holler with the name of the booker at Green Dolphin Street. Thanks in advance. Yikes, I have to go to a job interview right now...
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on October 31, 2007 12:48 PM EDT
Name: MaryLou
Email Address: mmanola@addus.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Great show Friday night hope to see you again soon.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on October 30, 2007 11:03 AM EDT
Name: Mark
Email Address: baronvonlaschbro@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey Rick, It's good to see that I'm a wild Fan! It look's and sound's like I missed a good show.Can you tell me about the 'Hairstylists' are they a all Female Rockabilly band? and if so I would love to see them! Mark
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on October 30, 2007 10:55 AM EDT
Name: Frank
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi Guys, I caught your show last Friday at Manhattan's... Wow, That's what the Stray Cats should've sounded like!
How did you hear about this site? Announcement from stage

submitted on October 29, 2007 9:45 AM EDT
Name: Jennifer
Email Address: jennifer_steininger@cdh.org
Web site URL:
Comments: The 'Hairstylists' had a great time with the band at the Manhattan Club. You guys have amazing energy and talent. Can't wait to dance to your music again!
How did you hear about this site? Rick Lindy

submitted on October 27, 2007 4:57 PM EDT
Name: Denise
Email Address: denisedomanico@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: To say you guys gave a great show last night at Manhattans would be an understatement. Honestly, I cant even describe in words how truly wonderful you were. Each one of you were excellent and its very apparent that you love jamming together. You were superior to other bands I have seen, and I wait in anticipation for your next show. I love you guys!!!
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on October 25, 2007 7:01 PM EDT
Name: Denise
Email Address: denisedomanico@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: I am so excited, I can hardly wait to see you at Manhattans. I have seen Rte 66 and was so impressed. Only one question though....is it a costume party? Well, either way, I will have on my dancing shoes!!! I love Rockabilly!!
How did you hear about this site? Rick (Hunk of burning love) Lindy

submitted on October 23, 2007 2:29 PM EDT
Name: Ewelina
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hello! Awesome web site..am enjoying it a lot :)
How did you hear about this site? Rick the Greatest :)

submitted on October 16, 2007 3:14 PM EDT
Name: wanda
Email Address: wkullas@addus.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Love the wild ones and the web site also.
How did you hear about this site? Through Norm Kullas

submitted on October 10, 2007 3:22 PM EDT
Name: Bill
Email Address: wm7805@msn.com
Web site URL:
Comments: You guys Rock.. love the site... see you in a couple weeks..
How did you hear about this site? Big C

submitted on October 9, 2007 4:50 PM EDT
Name: Jill Ambrosia
Email Address: Jamb1234@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Saw you guys in Long Grove... you Rock... loved it... love Rick..mmm what a voice..and not hard on the eyes.. the rest of you are awesome too..see you at Manhattans Jill
How did you hear about this site? Long Grove

submitted on October 6, 2007 11:23 AM EDT
Name: Mark
Email Address: baronvonlaschbro@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey you good looking guy's, If I knew that T.W.O. were playing at Martyrs I would have givin yall a heads up on the only Rockabilly band in in Michigan! Hope to see all of you good looking guy's soon. Mark
How did you hear about this site? From the good looking guy's

submitted on October 5, 2007 4:17 PM EDT
Name: Lynette
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Cool stuff saw you guys at Rockabilly night last night at Martyrs... you were fantastic! Great sound... good looking guys too. Rick has the best voice around... awesome website as well!!! :)
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on September 30, 2007 10:46 AM EDT
Name: Noreen
Email Address: nekloss@peoplepc.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Awesome work on this website. I've been watching it grow, as well as the band is. Norm is doing a great job with the photos too. Thanks for bringing this music back to life.
How did you hear about this site? best friends - Norm and Wanda

submitted on September 29, 2007 4:36 PM EDT
Name: Denise
Email Address: denisedomanico@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: I cant wait to see you guys on Oct 26th. I have seen Rte 66, and fell in love, so I know that with Rick on vocals, and that awesome upright bass, this band will be one of my favorites!!!
How did you hear about this site? Rick Lindy

submitted on September 26, 2007 10:51 AM EDT
Name: Jen D'Armano
Email Address: Jendar@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Hey Guys..wow.. thanks for putting my pic up on your fan/friends area! You guys Rock! You are all fun.. I will be at manhattan's for sure.. xo Jenny
How did you hear about this site? at the Countryside

submitted on September 26, 2007 8:42 AM EDT
Name: Ken
Email Address: Ken_blackwell@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Mark... Baron Von... the women were killer at The Countryside.. you must mean the time before?
How did you hear about this site? Malcolm Didier

submitted on September 25, 2007 2:00 PM EDT
Name: Mark
Email Address: baronvonlaschbro@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Where were the dancing Girls when I was at Countryside? Mark
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on September 22, 2007 10:47 AM EDT
Name: BaronVonLaschbro
Email Address: baronvonlasbro@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: The Wild Ones are in the house,Rock,rock'rockabilly boogie. Check out the Laschbros on Myspace. Hope to see you guys soon..
How did you hear about this site? From Rick and Todd

submitted on September 22, 2007 10:45 AM EDT
Name: BaronVonLaschbro
Email Address: baronvonlasbro@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: The Wild Ones are in the house,Rock,rock'rockabilly boogie. Check out the Laschbros on Myspace. Hope to see you guys soon..
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on September 20, 2007 3:00 PM EDT
Name: Susan
Email Address: susan_a2000@hotmail.com
Web site URL: www.uib.no/people/nfisa
Comments: Good lookin' website, with cool photos and & good info. Great job!It's been fun at the last two gigs. You all sounded great at the last gig! :)
How did you hear about this site? Rick

submitted on September 20, 2007 11:29 AM EDT
Name: Betsy Barnett & Carl Schreiber
Email Address: betsy60435@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: The Wild Ones are fantastic...we just wish we could make it out more! Keep on Rockin'...
How did you hear about this site? Rick Lindy!

submitted on September 19, 2007 11:51 PM EDT
Name: lori
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: U GUYS ROCK!!! :-D
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on September 19, 2007 9:56 PM EDT
Name: Chelsie
Email Address: blue_eyed_faery7@yahoo.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Nice page guys! Can't wait to see you perform again!
How did you hear about this site? e-mail from Rick

submitted on September 19, 2007 9:13 PM EDT
Name: Lisa
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Always love seeing you guys--makes for a great time. Still think you should incorporate some Benny Hill into the act, though...
How did you hear about this site? Rick

submitted on September 19, 2007 6:23 PM EDT
Name: Cheryl Brown
Email Address: cbrown4444@aol.com
Web site URL:
Comments: Great performance at Countryside. Tons of fun, great songs, danced all night. Looking forward to seeing you at Manhattans. What a great fun group of guys.
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on September 19, 2007 5:56 PM EDT
Name: Pictures by Emilio
Email Address: Emil1@Pictures by Emilio.net
Web site URL:
Comments: Love the website, would love to take pictures of all of you soon! I charge $100 a picture. Call me...
How did you hear about this site? Gene Smith

submitted on September 19, 2007 4:49 PM EDT
Name: Roxane Calvert
Email Address: rox1956@sbcglobal.net
Web site URL:
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on September 19, 2007 3:12 PM EDT
Name: Carol & Dan
Email Address: smokeybonez1@sbcglobal.net
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi, I love the ELVIS tribute on your home page. Also a great picture of all of you and Scott MacKay. Cant wait to see you again. Great site, good work Rick!!!!
How did you hear about this site? Rick

submitted on September 19, 2007 12:45 PM EDT
Name: Alexandrea Pzucharski
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Hi Guys. Saw you in Long Grove...finally found your website. You boys are great..me and my GF's will be coming out to see you... Rave On!
How did you hear about this site?

submitted on September 19, 2007 10:38 AM EDT
Name: Anthony
Email Address: GuitarSt@aol.com
Web site URL: http://anthonyandguitarstreet.com/
Comments: COOL Band!Great Players!Excellent Singer Front Man! Todd Is One of the Great Chicago Guitarist!
How did you hear about this site? Bill Cipri

submitted on September 19, 2007 10:20 AM EDT
Name: Jim Sanders
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: Caught your show at The Countryside! You guys Rocked! Love the whole band! Thanks so much for a great time...my wife and I danced all night.
How did you hear about this site? Word of Mouth

submitted on September 19, 2007 10:13 AM EDT
Name: Norm & Wanda
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Comments: You play music we can dance to from start to finsh
How did you hear about this site?