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submitted on November 14, 2008 12:20 AM EST
Name: Mrs.Kelly,Johanna,Evan,&Elizabeth/ Fairport
Your comments Jimmy, Lifting you up in prayer everyday!! Given your name to others for more prayers. "The Lord is the strength of my Life"psalm 27:1

submitted on November 13, 2008 5:35 PM EST
Name: Aunt Sharon
Your comments Hi Jimmy, Hope you are feeling better. We had a fall festival at our church/school last weekend and they had this singer, Erin O'Donnell, who grew up around here, perform. She does country/christian music. She talked about a time in her life when things were really difficult and she was having a hard time keeping the faith. Her husband wrote this beautiful song for her about how God is always listening to us and how He hears every word. As I sat there, I was thinking of you and of all the people, literally around the world, praying for you. God is listening, Jimmy. Take strength from that. I then, of course being a good McGann, needed about 3 kleenex!! We love and miss you tons!! Aunt Sharon, Uncle Sully, Christine and Charlie xoxoxoxo

submitted on November 13, 2008 5:26 AM EST
Name: Caitlin
Your comments By the way, Katy and I lit a candle for you at St. Al's on Sunday. Finish strong!

submitted on November 12, 2008 10:30 PM EST
Name: Hank and Alida
Your comments Jimmy The prayers are flowing your way, we know you are in God's hands, and we pray for your strength and health.

submitted on November 12, 2008 8:18 PM EST
Name: The Valliere Family - Fairport NY
Your comments Hi Jimmy, Another hello from Fairport NY! We continue to pray for your recovery and send our love to you and your family. Keep up the good work and stay strong! Love, The Valliere's

submitted on November 12, 2008 6:54 PM EST
Name: Alida and Hank
Your comments Jimmy we think of you more than you know, and are prayers are with you each day. Stay strong. You are an inspiraion to us. Lots of love

submitted on November 12, 2008 3:54 PM EST
Name: Becky -- a friend of your Aunt Regina's from Boston
Your comments Hi Jimmy – I am so inspired and impressed by the positive way that you have chosen to deal with your journey. I know that this is a very old corny expression but I think it is one of my favorites because it is so corny: ‘if life throws lemons at you, you have a choice - you can either make lemonade or let them go sour.’ No doubt you are definitely making truckloads of lemonade to share with your amazing family and friends but you are also touching people who you have never met. My positive thoughts and prayers are with you for continued good news, Becky

submitted on November 12, 2008 8:35 AM EST
Name: Aunt Regina, Uncle Win, Jack and Nicholas
Your comments Hey, Jimmy! I read the transcript of Norman Cousins talk on Positive Emotions and Health. I thought it was great. Especially when he describes how a person who lives a life of HOPE and FAITH is able to beat the most terrible of diseases and how he also explains that the power of a persons 'Will to Live' can beat all odds. Truly amazing...and you're doing it! Keep it up, you're doing great! Sending you all of our love and prayers, Aunt Regina, Uncle Win, Jack and Nicholas

submitted on November 11, 2008 11:29 AM EST
Name: Margaret Tomeo (43 Valley Brook, Fairport)
Your comments Jimmy - It looks and sounds like you are doing great! My parents and I think about you all the time. Keep up the hard work and perseverance! You're almost there!

submitted on November 10, 2008 2:38 PM EST
Name: deb davis
Your comments hey jimmy, things are good on our visit to rochester. last week we were in the 70's and if you remember rochester weather this IS NOT the norm. today we're back in the 40's and it's chilly. chicago had the same stuff last week so it really wasn't much different here. i hope the new treatment isn't too hard on you. i think of you often and i hope your family's all well. take good care of yourself jimmy!

submitted on November 10, 2008 6:53 AM EST
Name: Uncle Sully
Your comments Hey Jimmy, So great to hear your good news. Wow, the power of prayer and twinkies are amazing!!! Your amazing journey continues to inspire us all. We love you and will keep praying for more good news. Hugs to all and tell Danny we loved his picture your mom sent. The Giants won again last night and we're almost out of twinkies and yoo-hoo. Another update from Nana and Papa land soon

submitted on November 8, 2008 8:31 AM EST
Name: The Southampton Medelers
Your comments Hi Jim You don't know us but we have known the McGann family for many many years.We heard about your health issues through the e-mail grapevine and want you to know that we are all praying for you and have spread the word that prayers are needed foryou.We hope this round of Chemo will do it for you. With God's help you will win this battle and the game. Mr. & Mrs. Medler

submitted on November 8, 2008 8:23 AM EST
Name: The Southampton Medlers
Your comments

submitted on November 8, 2008 8:22 AM EST
Name: The Southampton Medlers
Your comments

submitted on November 8, 2008 12:49 AM EST
Name: Georgia Berry
Your comments Hi Jimmy, One of my best friend's mother just found out she has cancer throughout her body. As I was writing to her, I remember Norman Cousins who taught at UCLA who healed himself of a serious disease(I think it was cancer) with laughter and positive emotion. Below is a link to an article that I think you might find interesting. Hope you are doing well. Sincere, Georgia Berry http://www.bobrosenbaum.com/transcripts/nctalks.pdf

submitted on November 7, 2008 9:28 PM EST
Name: Louise Tharrett (friend of Aunt Kathleen - MA)
Your comments Hey Jimmy, The counts are down, hooray! All this hope from around the country is working. Stay strong, the news is good.

submitted on November 7, 2008 7:26 PM EST
Name: Aunt Kate and crew
Your comments You tied it up Jimmy. Keep going, keep the faith and never stop believing!! Love you

submitted on November 7, 2008 6:38 PM EST
Name: Mary Beth
Your comments Congratulations on the great news, Jimmy!!!! Keep hope, you're almost there! When I was talking to my mom today, she mentioned that Erin said you were a big fan of The Office. Well, so am I...and BJ Novak from the show is actually coming to Providence and doing some stand up! Well, I hope you're feeling a bit better and just remember we are all thinking of you and praying for you! Love you and miss you, Mary Beth xo

submitted on November 7, 2008 4:21 PM EST
Name: Martens Family - Fairport, NY
Your comments Jimmy, it is time for our weekly hello. Glad that you and I were texting buddies on Election Night. Boy, that was a long night! Hope you are staying the course and feeling the love from your friends all over the country. It is hard for our family not to be able to just drive up to your house and visit you, like the good old days! We wish we could! But, in our hearts, we are right there. Never forget that. You are never alone. I know we have said that before, but it is true. Chat next week. Love, The Martens

submitted on November 7, 2008 1:18 PM EST
Name: Kathy Medler Gorman
Your comments Hi Jimmy, I'm a friend of Aunt Kathleen's and our families grew up together in RVC. Just wanted you to know I shared your Mom's last email with all my family and quite a few friends. There are lots of people here in Little Rock AR lifting you up in prayer. One friend teaches and has her students praying for you! We have a short devotional time before our staff meeting here at work each Wed and we lifted you up here! We are storming heaven for you Jimmy! God Bless!! The Gormans and Medlers and lots of folks in between

submitted on November 6, 2008 5:34 PM EST
Name: Aunt Kate
Your comments Jimmy, I must admit I have become such a junkie about signing on and reading your guestbook. It just amazes me that through your battle with cancer you have united so many of us across the country (and as I say, our bleacher section in heaven filled with loving family and friends)in faith and prayer. All of these positive thoughts and prayers are NOT going unheard. They certainly inspire me to believe in the goodness of people and I have to think God is damn impressed! We will all keep the prayers coming and to steal a line from Obama, "Yes, We Can!". We can help you beat this and you will. Don't stop fighting and more importantly, Don't Stop Believing! Love you tons xo

submitted on November 5, 2008 10:16 PM EST
Name: Uncle Merle & Aunt Phyllis Ferris
Your comments Hi Jimmy just wanted to touch base and let you know we continue to have you in our prayers. Also in light of the Halloween season just past If you have a few spare minutes check out my son Greg's site at http://www.myspace.com/spookychef Greg has always liked Halloween and is still doing his Frankenstien thing. he has been quite succesful with it over the years and managed to win a couple times last week and was also hired by Wegmans to entertain one evening. Jimmy you hang in there and tell the family we said hello.

submitted on November 4, 2008 8:42 PM EST
Name: Susan Frame
Your comments Jimmy, You are amazing...the power of positive thinking and of prayer is not lost on you...Keep the faith! We are pulling for you! XO Susan Frame

submitted on November 4, 2008 5:50 PM EST
Name: The Fairport McGanns
Your comments Hey Jimmy!! Just checking in and reminding you how much we love and pray for you! Good luck tomorrow, know that we've bought season tickets to this 'game', and we're in it every step of the way with you. Take care, XO, Aunt Sheila, Uncle Kevin, Molly, Kevin, and Joe

submitted on November 4, 2008 3:58 PM EST
Name: The Nuss Family, friends, family & neighbors
Your comments hi jimmy we have so many prayer groups for you both in Castle Rock and St. Louis and everywhere in between! I run 5 mornings a week and since June this has been my dedicated "jimmy time" for prayers! now, go kick this cancer's &%*&, *&^&* ~ laura, rod, etc.

submitted on November 3, 2008 5:44 PM EST
Name: Aunt Sharon
Your comments Dear Jimmy, One of the dad's from Charlie's t-ball team set up a website with their pictures and "stats" like favorite toys, food, etc. Charlie had to list his favorite hero and he said "my cousin James Ryan and Batman!" I whole heartedly agree (not about the Batman part!) and I bet everyone who knows you would agree, too. I hope you can take how we all feel about you and use it to keep on fighting like heck against this and WIN!! You will put Batman to shame!! We are thinking of you, sending the positive thoughts and prayers continuously. We love and miss you lots, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Sully, Christine and Charlie xoxoxoxo

submitted on November 3, 2008 1:56 PM EST
Name: Renee McEvoy
Your comments Jimmy, I procrastinate because I continually am trying to figure out the rights words and thoughts I want to send to you. Thinking God would come through and help me, I kept waiting. Today, I realized God does not have time to help me with the RIGHT words as HE is busy hearing all our prayers for you. Please just know that you are in all our thoughts and all of our prayers. Pat, Norman, Nick and my parents (who have not had the pleasure of meeting you) are always thinking of you, asking about you, and praying for you. Stay Strong! Renee McEvoy and family!

submitted on November 3, 2008 8:15 AM EST
Name: deb davis
Your comments hey jimmy, scott and i are in rochester! we have a little place here and it's so nice getting away from the big city once in a while. chicago's cool but it's constantly noisy. the best noise however comes from davis and maeve, our two grandkids. davis is two and maeve is seven months. i'll send some pictures off to your dad so your family can sort of "meet" them. they went trick or treating and at the end of one block davis looked at his mom and said "davis stroller now, ok?" he had a ball but was very tired. then sarah ditched all the candy since he really doesn't eat candy yet. my question is this...what about the grandma?????? i hate to see a good piece of candy go to waste, especially if it combines chocolate and caramel! one of my best friends tumor markers just went up and she's going in today for her pet scan results from friday. this battle is certainly a roller coaster for both of you. just hang on and i have faith that you both will be done soon. just wanted to let you know that i think of you often jimmy! you are in my prayers and will remain there. take good care pal and say "hi" to your family.

submitted on November 3, 2008 4:23 AM EST
Name: Caitlin Flanagan
Your comments hey, we sure missed you this weekend!! I hope you had fun at DU with my best friend... you watch yourself. haha We posted pictures so if they don't keep you entertained, I don't know what will. Talk to you soon! miss you!

submitted on November 2, 2008 4:14 PM EST
Name: Katie League
Your comments Jimmy, As every baseball fan knows, those last 90 feet home always seem the farther and most difficult to get. You will make it there with all of the support and love of your family and friends (and strangers!) and the AMAZING strength you have. Keep your chin up and your eyes on the goal. You will get there!

submitted on November 1, 2008 5:40 PM EDT
Name: Aunt Regina, Uncle Win, Jack and Nicholas
Your comments Hey, Jimmy! We're glad to see you're back on-line. Happy Halloween! In your honor we held our first annual twinkie eating contest. No better day than Halloween to see who could devour a twinkie the fastest. The family record (in Florida) went to Uncle Sully at an unbelievable 28 seconds (from first bite to last swallow). Uncle Win came in 2nd place at 30 seconds, Aunt Regina in 3rd place at 38 seconds (it was much more difficult than I thought), Aunt Sharon and Christine tied for 4th place at 55 seconds. Jack and Nicholas were unable to finish the contest (some talk that their twinkies weren't fresh?!?) and Charlie opted to pass (smart man). Let us know how we compare to the Colorado family record. Hope you are hanging in there. Our prayers and thoughts are with you every second of every day. We love you and know all of our prayers will be answered. Big Hugs and Kisses, Aunt Regina, Uncle Win, Jack and Nicholas

submitted on October 30, 2008 6:39 PM EDT
Name: Louise Tharrett
Your comments Hey Jimmy, You don't know me but I'm friends with your Aunt Kathleen here in Westwood, MA. I want you to know that your Aunt Kathleen has rallied half the town (about 7,000) to pray and hope for you. Know that many people include you in their daily prayers. Keep up the good fight!

submitted on October 29, 2008 3:25 PM EDT
Name: Uncle Danny and Maddie
Your comments Hey Jimmy, Keep it up!!You've come a long way, and I know you can beat this soon. The battle you've already endured proves it.

submitted on October 29, 2008 1:20 PM EDT
Name: Kyle Kummer
Your comments Jimmy, my brother. I've been praying for you hoping that some way that you can get better. But I know you all too well from baseball at Regis to know that you won't give up! I'm here for you man and I hope that you are getting better. It's cheesy, but maybe Kanye was right, "Whatever don't kill you, only makes you stronger." I know for a fact that you will be able to beat this because if I learned anything at all from time with you it is that never give up. I hope you are getting better everyday and if you need someone to talk to give me a call. Love ya, bro and know that we are all backing you up. Peace. P.S. my number is 720 232 3974.

submitted on October 29, 2008 11:13 AM EDT
Name: Kathy Schultz
Your comments Hi Jimmy, I should have written awhile ago, but I myself have been fighting my battle, with tons of friends and family and strangers praying for me also. So I am praying for you as well, and hope you find some comfort in that. I found that praying to St Perrigrine gave me stength, he helped me. I hope you received your prayer card and medal. I am Deb and Scott Davis's friend from Milwaukee. All we can really do for ourselves is have a positive attitude(which I know is really hard sometimes) and pray pray pray. I couldn't imagine going through what I did without family and friends, you are as lucky as I am in that department. We just have to keep plugging along don't we. I will continue sending prayers your way, good luck Jimmy and LIVE STRONG.........Kathy

submitted on October 29, 2008 10:21 AM EDT
Name: deb davis
Your comments hey jimmy-we were all in denver this past weekend and as we suspected we loved being back. scott and i looked at property and sarah and andrew looked at houses in stapleton. they are putting their condo in chicago on the market in january and i'm sure that scott and i will be right behind them. we really can't wait to get back! sarah's a little afraid to be in the same city as your dad since he's such a prankster and she experienced his evil ways first hand. while in denver we all thought about you a lot. actually, we think about you while in chicago too! our thoughts are positive since we know that you are going to beat this and hopefully the next time we're in town you'll be back at gonzaga enjoying school. you have so many people who don't even know you sending thoughts and prayers...you will come out a winner. sending love!

submitted on October 29, 2008 12:04 AM EDT
Name: Lana Williams - Regis Mom
Your comments Oops!! Just hit return and entered a blank message. My real message is to let you know that my prayer is for God to grant you all the strength you’ll need to get through this hard journey. Of course there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll make it through, it sounds as if you know exactly what you need to do to get through this. God bless you and your family, Jimmy. I will check on your continued progress. Please be well.

submitted on October 28, 2008 11:51 PM EDT
Name: Lana Williams
Your comments

submitted on October 28, 2008 10:06 PM EDT
Name: The Caruso Family
Your comments Just checking in on you. Hope you are feeling good. Going Trick or Treating?? Reflecting on all the costumes you guys dressed up as for Halloween at SJR. Not just you kids...remember us moms. your mom lurking outside the cafeteria windows dressed up as the BIG BAD WOLF waiting to pounce on one of us PIGS. Stay strong, keep fighting and we will keep praying hard. Love you.

submitted on October 28, 2008 9:52 PM EDT
Name: Rose Brunner
Your comments Jimmy - You dont know me, I am friends with you mother. My kids went to STM and that is how we met. I just want you to know you are in our prayers everyday. A Prayer for You I said a prayer for you today, And know God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word. I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind. I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind. I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day, To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small, But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all. Keep up the fight!!!

submitted on October 28, 2008 8:09 PM EDT
Name: Christine
Your comments HiJimmy, I just wanted you to know that I got all 3MA[my class] praying for you! Miss you LOTS, Christine

submitted on October 28, 2008 7:23 PM EDT
Name: David Doty
Your comments Hi Jimmy, I'm Andrew Doty's Dad. was at Gonzaga this past weekend and thought much of your challenge. I am praying for you every day.... as I am a cancer survivor and a partner of yours in that I had the same cancer 8 years ago. YOU WILL be fine! I believe that. luv David Doty

submitted on October 27, 2008 8:16 PM EDT
Name: Aunt Mary Kaye
Your comments Hi Jimmy, Not being fans of Twinkies, we agree chocolate is the way to go...Erin and I have polished off all the Halloween candy which included bags of KitKats, Milky Ways, Mounds and 3 Musketeers..and we're not done yet...we have Peanut M&M's to get to...Uncle Jim on the other hand is in China/Japan and he has resorted to frog and all sorts of raw and slimy creatures,,,maybe slug! We are all praying up a storm for you...you will beat this...I know it....I believe it. Love you tons...Aunt Mary Kaye and all The Suttons xo

submitted on October 27, 2008 3:52 PM EDT
Name: Michelle
Your comments Hi Jimmy. My sister Patti in Arkansas sent me your family's prayer request. I wanted you to know I have shared it with my mom's group here in Texas. It's true, everything is bigger in Texas, and you can bet we will be sending BIG prayers up for you and your family. Keep the faith! Michelle

submitted on October 27, 2008 12:25 PM EDT
Name: Dan Alberts
Your comments Jimmy, my parents are keeping me updated. The nearest Twinkie is thousands of miles away, so all we can offer from Kenya is prayers...Stay strong.

submitted on October 27, 2008 12:53 AM EDT
Name: Mrs. Kelly Fairport
Your comments Jimmy,Just wanted you to know you and your family are in our prayers. "I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13) Mrs Kelly, Elizabeth, Johanna,& Evan

submitted on October 26, 2008 9:49 PM EDT
Name: The Lackey Family
Your comments Today in my email, I received an update about you from Mrs. Rattleade in Fairport. Two weeks ago while I was out to dinner with mutual friends of your Aunt Shelia, I heard that you were diagnosed with cancer. I received the email update for my prayers although I had no idea how you were doing or what type of cancer you had. We would know the true power of prayer as we had so many people praying for our son Wes when he was diagnosed with cancer. Danny and he were in the same class at St. John of Rochester. Bridgett and Nina were in the same class as well. I just wanted to say that I loved your journal and the photos of your family. It was nice to see how you guys have grown up! We kept a journal (old fashioned way in a book though) that seemed to help us get through it and keep us sane. Looks as if you have caring doctors, family and a strong support system. That's so important. Our family will continue to pray for your strength (your family) and full recovery. Please say hello to your mom for me. Our prayers are with you. God Bless. Sue Lackey and family (Fairport, NY)

submitted on October 26, 2008 9:12 PM EDT
Name: Cara Vann
Your comments Jimmy, Please know that strangers are praying for you!!!After reading about your journey I am moved by your faith and strength. You are blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends. God Bless you!!!!

submitted on October 26, 2008 8:50 PM EDT
Name: Cathy and Don Payne
Your comments Hi Jimmy, We are thinking of you...and are glad for the excuse to eat lots of Twinkies! Love, The Paynes

submitted on October 26, 2008 6:10 PM EDT
Name: Catherine Menoni
Your comments I am Catherine Reidy's grandmother. I live in Highland Park,Il. I have heard so much about you that I feel as if I know you. You sound so terrific. Would love to meet you and your family when I visit the Reidys for the Thanksgiving holiday. I am going to be there to see Molly in "The Sound of Music". Hang in there. Love you. Catherine's grandmother--They call me "Nonna" You can too.

submitted on October 26, 2008 5:08 PM EDT
Name: Martens Family - Fairport, NY
Your comments Jimmy, You know, when you lived in Fairport, your dad ate his three square meals a day! No exceptions! Even when all of the other dads (Mr. Martens and Mr. Caruso) were eating consession stand food at the baseball fields, your dad had his square! (Your mom made all the other moms look bad.) Now, the squares have turned into Twinkies??? Now, that is TRUE LOVE! God Bless You and your 'Square' dad! (and mom and brother and sisters) xoxoxox

submitted on October 26, 2008 8:40 AM EDT
Name: Uncle Sully
Your comments Hey Jimbo, I think it is time for a check up for your Aunt Sharon. She has filled our fridge and entire kitchen with boxes of twinkies. In honor of your dad I've stocked the garage with cases of Yoo-Hoo. We love you and are amazed at your strengh. Keep up your amazing faith and know we are with you all day, every day!!!

submitted on October 25, 2008 10:27 PM EDT
Name: Nichole Snow
Your comments Jimmy... more prayers coming your way from Texas! I hope it gives you strength knowing you are in the hearts of so many and are being lifted up in prayer 'round the clock! Your spirit and humor through this tough "inning" is an inspiration to all of us. God bless!!!

submitted on October 25, 2008 8:27 PM EDT
Name: Jennifer Monday Leman
Your comments Hey Jimmy! I got your mom's email from my mom who's friends with Rhonda Kubiak. So here's some prayers coming to you from Houston, Texas. It's a big state and we know how to "pray like hell!" I'm sending your story on and hope you'll feel all the love and support from strangers. I can tell you're a rock star---keep it up!

submitted on October 25, 2008 2:07 PM EDT
Name: Peter Dunn
Your comments Jimmy, I spoke with you Dad last week and he told me about this curve ball that has been thrown your way. I just know that with all the prayers that everyone is sending your way you will beat this! Stay strong and keep fighting - so many , many people come out winners and you will as well! The Dunn Family

submitted on October 25, 2008 12:59 PM EDT
Name: Georgia Berry
Your comments Hi Jimmy, One of my dearest friends from Denver, Kim Poletto, forwarded an email from your mom to me. I don't know if you know Kim personally or if he was just included in the email because he is a deeply spiritual and amazing man. Regardless, he has connected us. Please know that I will add you to my daily prayers. I also want to direct you to www.perelandra-ltd.com. There is a wealth of information there resulting from the work of Machaelle Small Wright who has worked with Nature for about 30 years. Part of her work has resulted in the creation of flower essences that help bring balance to the body's electrical system. I have recently started using the essenses and have found them to be amazing. I don't know if this is something in which you would be interested, but I wanted to pass it on just in case. Perelandra also has an information line for questions every Wednesday from 10 am to 8 pm Eastern time, so if you have questions, you can call them any Wednesday at(540) 937-3679. In addition to the prayers, if there is anything that I can do to help in any way, please let me know. I live in Southern California, and my email address is georgiakb@aol.com. I wish for you the best that God has to offer. Sincerely, Georgia

submitted on October 25, 2008 11:41 AM EDT
Name: Kevin from Rochester
Your comments Hey Jimmy, Keep fightin man you will get through this. We are always thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. Love, Kevin

submitted on October 25, 2008 12:59 AM EDT
Name: Jim,Janine,Andy,Joe,Nick and Jake Mitrano

submitted on October 24, 2008 10:30 PM EDT
Name: Uncle Merle & Aunt Phyllis Ferris
Your comments Hi Jimmy, Although Aunt Phyllis and I are not much for writing we have certainly been following up on you thanks to your Mom's updates and of course updates from your grandmother who I see and speak with quite often. Have really enjoyed your website. Did you set it up yourself? Not a lot new here in Rochester except for getting things outside ready for winter. They are predicting a little snow for us this week. Jimmy we are sorry to hear that you will be going into what I guess might be called extra innings with your treatments but we're sure you will do fine especially with all the great family and friends support you have. Our love to you and all your family and be assured we will continue to have you in our prayers. Will try to do better and write again before to long.

submitted on October 24, 2008 8:35 AM EDT
Name: Patrick Dineen -Fairport-
Your comments Jimmy, you need to get back to me eventually! But the other day i was remembering St Johns and everything.. heres a few things that got me smiling, Fussy Finger Nails? (i really hope you remember that one) um Mrs Heald actually made me cry in class, When i sang the titanic song with megan.. and coming over to playing that "Put Put goes to the moon" (one of the best games ever made.) I realy hope everythings going well! Let everyone know i said Hey!! You can do it bud-

submitted on October 24, 2008 6:58 AM EDT
Name: Martens Family - Fairport, NY
Your comments Hi. It is us again. We are reading between the lines. We think your mom just gave all of us permission to eat Twinkies or any other junk food for dinner...as long as we eat it fast!! The kids think that is a great idea!!! The Martens family will be serving hot fudge sundaes for dinner tonight, in honor of you. Do you know how many of your fans are going to have belly aches tonight? We are all in this together and won't let you down! Love you.

submitted on October 24, 2008 2:00 AM EDT
Name: Doty
Your comments Hey bro was so pumped to see you at Gonzaga this last weekend, and although I didn't get to hang out with ya since your time was so well budgeted with so many people, I know you had a great time! I hope to visit ya soon and hope that PSP is keepin ya busy! Love ya bro, may God keep you in the palm of His hand.

submitted on October 23, 2008 10:47 PM EDT
Name: Aunt Regina, Uncle Win, Jack and Nicholas
Your comments Twinkies, Ho Ho, Yodels...nooooo, chocolate is more my game. I just ate a bag of Milky Ways in your honor...the Trick or Treaters weren't fast enough, it's pennies for them this year. Anyway, we're pissed and hope you are too. Time to get out the boxing gloves and knock the you-know-what out of this cancer. We're right behind you and surrounding you with all of our love and prayers. Never stop... Big hugs and kisses, Aunt Regina, Uncle Win, Jack and Nicholas P.S. We'll get Jack and Nicholas on the Twinkies tomorrow.

submitted on October 23, 2008 9:48 PM EDT
Name: Aunt Sharon
Your comments Ho Ho's??? How about a Yodel? Now were talking! xxoo

submitted on October 23, 2008 9:02 PM EDT
Name: Uncle Jim E.
Your comments My dinner tonite consisted of a box of twinkies and a stop watch. Life was good until I swallowed the stop watch. I still think the Ritz crackers with peanut butter was more of a challenge even before your dad would add the Tabasco at 2am. Keep Laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted on October 23, 2008 9:00 PM EDT
Name: The Fairport McGanns
Your comments One bite?! Your talents continue to amaze...we're going to have to work on that, but I agree with Jen, Ho-Ho's are a better choice!! Jimmy we love you and we will continue to storm the heavens with our prayers!! XO, Aunt Sheila, Uncle Kevin, Molly, Kevin, and Joe

submitted on October 23, 2008 7:34 PM EDT
Name: The Caruso Family

submitted on October 23, 2008 6:28 PM EDT
Name: Martens Family - Fairport, NY
Your comments Dear Jimmy, Just got the update from your mom. Time to get even tougher, which we know you have it in you. God will watch over you this next round. DO NOT under estimate the power of prayer. Love you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

submitted on October 23, 2008 3:43 PM EDT
Name: Jim Zasowski
Your comments Jimmy, so glad to hear that you had the chance to go back to Gonzaga and visit. You must have had a blast and can't wait to hear about the adventure. We visited Nick this weekend at UT and he talked lots about you and is waiting for the day that he can have you fly out to Knoxville and spend some time with him. All of us here at the Z house are thinking about you and praying for your rapid recovery. God Bless you Jimmy and looking forward to seeing you again shortly.

submitted on October 23, 2008 3:29 PM EDT
Name: SULLY aka Kathy Jordan
Your comments Jimmy, Tell your Dad that the homely girl he use to pretend he did not know on the bus to St Agnes Elementary school is also sending lots of prayers your way. Your Aunt KAthleen and I have been friends since we were 10 years old and I live in Medfield Ma..about 10 minutes away from her. I love her a lot and as you know, she is a fabulous person. Cant say the same for your Dad who ignored me, even though I was at his home almost every day!! My family will keep you in our prayers. Give my best to your mom and dad...

submitted on October 23, 2008 3:13 PM EDT
Name: Kay Cornish-Preziosi
Your comments OK...hang tough just another quick challenge you can do it...its been said we only are given what we can handle..so lets handle it and be done with it! Sending you so more good thoughts and wishes...gheeeze. look at the Bills and the Sabres1 WHO KNEW!!

submitted on October 23, 2008 3:03 PM EDT
Name: Aunt Kate
Your comments Okay, maybe it is more than a rain delay but with the number of people I have asked to pray for you I am hoping you will be right back out there soon. I definitely agree with Father Phil but I won't write that here!! If anyone can pull this off you can. Keep the faith - we are. With tons of love and prayers.

submitted on October 23, 2008 2:31 PM EDT
Name: Cousins Mike & Donna Mitrano
Your comments Jimmy: Don't get down. Think positive. Keep your faith. We will pray harder this time. Everyone who knows and loves you must pray three or four times more for you. This will cure you. Remember, we all love you and try to be as strong as you are. You are a great inspiration to all of us. Keep smiling! Love, Mike & Donna

submitted on October 23, 2008 1:53 PM EDT
Name: Karlie, Simon & Charlotte
Your comments Hey Jimmy! A new inning begins...down a run or two, but I know you're going to make the comeback and can't wait to see you hit one over the Monster. We're praying for you and love you tons.

submitted on October 23, 2008 1:04 PM EDT
Name: u steve
Your comments Hey Man- Thinking of you every day! Lima is growing on us- the food is good; no major cases of the runs yet. Mason is speaking Spanish already. I just take lessons and stare at a pretty Peruvian woman. Hey, the JETS just blow... Favre is older than me and looks terrible in green. Why don't you come over to the BIG BLUE SIDE?? I will call soon! Love, US-L-M

submitted on October 23, 2008 11:51 AM EDT
Name: Aunt Sharon
Your comments Hi Jimmy, Heard you had a good weekend at Gonzaga. We're so glad you had some fun! Just was thinking of you and wanted to say Hi! We love and miss you lots, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Sully, Christine and Charlie xoxoxoxo

submitted on October 22, 2008 9:02 PM EDT
Name: Susan Frame
Your comments Jimmy, I spoke with your Aunt Kathleen this afternoon and she gave me an update as to how you are doing. Please stay strong...we are all praying for you! I want to see a photo of you in a crazy costume on Halloween!

submitted on October 22, 2008 8:44 PM EDT
Name: The Willman Family
Your comments Glad to hear you are back home and things are looking better. You have had a long journey and have done such a great job at being so positive. Keep your spirits up and we are praying for you. As a baseball mom, Jimmy you did a great job running the bases!!! Tony, LeeAnne, Joe, Kevin and Casey

submitted on October 20, 2008 9:42 AM EDT
Name: Martens Family - Fairport, NY
Your comments Dear Jimmy, Thanks for sharing your pictures from Indy. I read on Facebook that you went to Gonzaga to visit! What a wonderful trip that must have been!! So glad you are able to be with your family and friends. Love, The Martens xoxoxoxox

submitted on October 14, 2008 9:45 PM EDT
Name: kaitlyn
Your comments hey jimmy my name is kaitlyn im really good friends with your cousin carolyn since she is my best friend i read her away message and i couldnt help but to read it i cant believe what happened and i just want to say that im praying for you and i hope your doing well as your last journal entry. your really are a true miracle and i just want to wish you the best never give up and keep all hope...hope your feeling better

submitted on October 14, 2008 7:24 PM EDT
Name: Katie League
Your comments I have to add that I agree with all family members who have made Red Sox analogies. Forget the '86 Mets. :-) You are AMAZING!

submitted on October 14, 2008 7:13 PM EDT
Name: Katie League
Your comments Hey Jimmy! It was so great to read all about how you are doing. I've received updates from my grandmother through Mary, but it was amazing to hear it in your own words. You are SUCH an inspiration. Your strength is amazing. I am sending you so many prayers and so much love. I know you are going to beat this!

submitted on October 13, 2008 9:48 PM EDT
Name: Cindy Serafine
Your comments Hi Jimmy - What Great News!!! - You are home! There are alot of us from your mom's hometown Victor who have been praying for you and waiting to hear this great news. I saw your grandmother a few days ago and she told me you were home. HOORAY! Stay strong, keep healthy and as my grandmother always tells my kids "Keep the Faith". You are an inspiration to all of us. Love The Serafine's - Cindy, Caitlyn, Danny, Maren and Tyler

submitted on October 13, 2008 4:24 PM EDT
Name: Carolyn McGann
Your comments Congrats on the good news!!! I'll keep you in my prayers!

submitted on October 13, 2008 11:42 AM EDT
Name: deb davis
Your comments hey jimmy, things sound great! scott has been keeping up with your accomplishments by talking to your dad. we think about you so often and i can't even begin to tell you how many people are praying for you. it's catchy, you know...we're all in this game of like together and when someone needs help we all try to make a difference. my good friend kathy has just completed her last round of chemo and i was in milwaukee to celebrate the day with her. we high fived each other as we walked out of the hospital and we were ready to enjoy the endless possibilities ahead of her. that's the amazing thing about going through something like this. nothing seems too difficult to conquer after this battle. you have such an amazing family and it sounds like wonderful friends. your network of friends perhaps in thought only has grown and grown and we are all behind you. you have done an amazing job jimmy! i guess you are just about ready to celebrate a victory in this ball game and you deserve a big chalk mark in the win column! our prayers will be with you and your family always buddy!!!

submitted on October 12, 2008 2:59 PM EDT
Name: Caitlin
Your comments just 5 days away!!!!! Everyone up here can't stop talking about your arrival! It is going to be epic! I am still cracking up from your moms post.... I'm so glad treatment is working and that you are out of Indiana! We are all still praying for you! Miss you and can't wait to see you!

submitted on October 9, 2008 11:56 AM EDT
Name: Mom
Your comments Well my dear......you got through another dip in the road!!! I am not often speechless..but I have run out of words to decribe you. We all can continue to tell you how amazing you have been over the past five months but I am not sure that you truly realize how remarkable it was to witness such courage! You are almost there...I know you have the rosary and scapular with you..never leave them behind. They have given you the strength and grace to get through this. We have common goals-mine is to see you back to good health so I can send you off again; yours: you can almost taste the cog's food and hear the screams of excitement for your "Zags"! I know how important it is for you to get back...you will! Plus to be perfectly honest....it sounds like Pat and Katy need a little help finding that cup of coffee and you are just the guy to help them out! Love you always MOM

submitted on October 9, 2008 9:08 AM EDT
Name: Aunt Mary Kaye
Your comments Dear Jimmy, Fantastic news!! We are so happy for you!! We will not let up on our thoughts and prayers for you. You are inches from home plate! What a victory for you. You have been incredible through it all. We are so proud to be part of your family. Hopefully you can hear the cheers from the East Coast for you. Love you lots, All The Suttons

submitted on October 8, 2008 8:44 PM EDT
Name: The Paynes of Farmington
Your comments Hi Jimmy, Welcome home! Wonderful news! Enjoy your time back home in Colorado. Love, The Paynes Don, Cathy and boys

submitted on October 8, 2008 8:02 PM EDT
Name: The Kavanaugh Family - Fairport, NY
Your comments Hi Jimmy, I just read your Mom's latest update and what WONDERFUL NEWS, you are home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to see that your Mets didn't make it in the playoffs, our Yankees fell out too but now we can all cheer for the Red Sox?? Enjoy the games, hanging out with your friends and family, and relaxing - you deserve it!! Say hi to your family and keep updating through your journal with more photos. Wishing you a great fall! Love, The Kavanaugh's

submitted on October 8, 2008 7:44 PM EDT
Name: The Maltman's
Your comments Jimmy, We are thrilled to hear your great news. Logged in everyday hoping and praying for a promising update! Enjoy some well deserved rest and time with your family. Love and God Bless - Craig, Joleen, Bradley, Melissa and Hayley

submitted on October 8, 2008 7:28 PM EDT
Name: Kim Higgins
Your comments Hi Jimmy and family, this is Kim (Nicholas Bondi's mom). I just read your journal and was thrilled to see all of your progress and your pictures. Your family and faith are awesome. Once you get back to Gonzaga, I'd like you to look up Evan Winiger. He's our neighbor and played competitive baseball with Nicholas. Evan's a freshman this year and apparently is rowing....I'm sure you'll have a lot of people to look up once you get back. Stay strong and keep up the good work! Kim

submitted on October 8, 2008 5:07 PM EDT
Name: Alida Alberts
Your comments So glad to hear your home....time to celebrate! lots of love from us

submitted on October 8, 2008 4:48 PM EDT
Name: Aunt Kate and crew
Your comments Just finished reading your mom's update. It is so amazing how far you have come and with such courage and dignity. You are an inspiration to us all. Now that your home take some time to relax and just hang...you so deserve it. We will not let up on our prayers as you get closer to slamming the door on this disease. As we gear up to cheer on our Red Sox these next couple of weeks we will be cheering for you as you round third for home. You are a Champion... you have already proved it!! Love you tons!!xoxo

submitted on October 8, 2008 4:08 PM EDT
Name: Mike & Donna Mitrano
Your comments Jimmy: Fantastic news!! We are very happy to hear you are back where you belong - home. Your prognosis sound extremely promising and we can't wait to see you. We don't know when that will be, but we'll be with you in spirit. Keep your faith, get your strength back and get back to school. You have alot of good times to make up for. We love ya! Talk soon. Mike & Donna Mitrano

submitted on October 8, 2008 8:40 AM EDT
Name: Aunt Regina, Uncle Win, Jack and Nicholas
Your comments Hurrah for you, Jimmy! Hurrah for the family, hurrah for your friends, hurrah for everyone who loves you so and has helped you through this battle! We love you and we can't wait to see you. Hopefully soon! Great big hugs and kisses, Aunt Regina, Uncle Win, Jack and Nicholas

submitted on October 8, 2008 7:05 AM EDT
Name: Martens Family - Fairport, NY
Your comments Hello Jimmy, Welcome Home! We are so happy that you responded to your treatment and are home with your family! Love you, The Martens

submitted on October 8, 2008 5:34 AM EDT
Name: Patrick McDonnell
Your comments im chillin in our room studying for econ and thought you might update your page...which you did. I'm so glad your home...and feelin better. and that your markers are so low. I'm always thinkin about you man and the guys and i cant wait to have you in our suite. soon enough.

submitted on October 7, 2008 8:59 PM EDT
Name: Wantagh McGanns
Your comments Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat news!!!!!!!!!We are all so thrilled that things are moving positively for you. As always we will keep you in our prayers. Love, Tom, Denise, Tommy,Carolyn, Kelly & Brian

submitted on October 7, 2008 8:56 PM EDT
Name: Wantagh McGanns
Your comments