Study of Oahspe (.com) since March 2, 2005
Home, Cycles, Astrophysics, Human development
Home, Cycles, Astrophysics, Human development 2
Team Kemet vs Oahspe
In the Creator we Trust
Vortex, rotation and magnetism
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Physics equations graphics, unified field theory, strings, lines of needles, UFOs
Cevorkum sub-galactic vs galactic orbit
Vowel sign language E-O-I greetings
Martial Arts training and Oahspe teachings
The I'hins became extinct
The Word of John 1:1 is Vortex Motion of Oahspe Book of Jehovih 1:1
Biological species concept and oxygen levels of earth
Faithists working for earthly Government from Ancient to Kosmon
Mithra, Christianity, Constantine, and Oahspe
Difference Between an I'huan and a Ongwee-ghan
The City of Abram (Abraham)
Study-of-Oahspe for the student in class and more
Exosphere and Magnetosphere of the Earth's vortex
Anger leads to Satan (Ego)
Whatever happened to Kosmon Black?
Why the I'hins in Oahspe were not albinos or dwarfs
Origin of the color and race of the I'hins, Amish, Jefferson, Faithists, questions, dependence
Oahspe scientific knowledge posted on the Internet in 2005 and 1997
Engaging in, aiding and abetting war and murder
Big Bang, OAHSPE, Infinity, Fractals
Synchronicity 111 (111.1)
Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on
Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on part 2
Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on part 3
Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on part 4
Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on part 5
Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on part 6
How accurate are the drawings in Oahspe?
All-Connected, All-Person, Unity
John Lant Original Oahspe George Van Tassel and Jim Velasques
Faithist James May Science and Oahspe
George Washington Prophecy of America
COSMOGONY by Hugh Rose
Scholarly Books about Oahspe
Etherean fire-ship toroidal propulsion system
Angels mating with physical humans
Book of Saphah
More science, Astronomy, Physics
More science 2 Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy
Higher Advanced Knowledge of Oahspe
Optical Network Communications - Facial recognition - Prophets - Iesu - Zodiac
Sun planet, Sun photosphere, Sun's stage of development
Maya Knowledge and Oahspe, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Kosmon race
Instinct, DNA, hereditary
Extrasolar planets, CEVORKUM, Light speed
Weather, Climate, Dark Matter, Airborne Pathogens
Geology - Pole-shift - Magnetic reversal - Radiometric dating-A'ji
Solar-Stellar Life Cycle - End of Earth - Death, Disease, Life After Death
Biology, Primary Vortex, Life, Computing, Quantum
Physics - Light - Sound
Physics - Magnetism - Gravity
The Creator - The Father- Man - Fractals - Vortex physics
Human origins - Pygmies - I'hins
Hominidae - animal-man
Early Man - Races of Man - Anthropology
Oahspe vs Mormonism
Dinosaurs, Man, fossils, early Earth
Religious History, Chinvat Bridge, Archeology, Race
Confucius, Po, China, Jaffeth & Caucasian origin & destiny
The Great Pyramid of Ancient Egypt and Thothma
Mathematics of Israelites and sub-Saharan Africans, CASTA SYSTEM
Hell, Knots, Flash devices, Riot control, use of force
Biblical flood and the sinking of Pan
Oahspe vs Qur'an
The Constantine Bible
Looeamong, Constantine, and The Roman Empire
The Bible, Jesus, Joshu, Essenes, Anunnaki
Columbus, Catholics, Conquistadors, Protestants, Crusades
Quakers and inner light
Thomas Paine
US History
Kosmon cycle, people, TECHNOLOGY, ancestry & SHALAM
Subatomic particles - String Theory - Quantum - GUT
Matter - Anti-Matter, Galaxies and Cosmology
Walter Russell Cosmogony Einstein Fractals Cellular Automata Manichaean
Holographic Cosmos
Aerospace engineering, space-ships, space travel
Space clouds, Earth travel, ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
Tables of prophecy and history
The Beast, Pets and Animals
Angels rank, universe, genetics, Loo'is
Nordic Aliens-Angels, Greys, Neoteny and Man
Power of Attraction - Visualization - Spiritual gifts, energy, ceremony
Spiritual message - UFOs - Ethereans
Cosmic Consciousness, cycles, human behavior, Zodiac
Cycles, Predictions, Earth events, A'ji
Life Development Darkness Light Cycles
Nebula, Earth's atmosphere, heat & cold, eclipse, prophecy
True Prophecies
Direct Inspiration, Walter Russell
Misc. vortex, matter, periodic table, solar system, fractals, pi and c
Misc. 2, E=mc2, geometry, pi and alphabet codes, chemical elements
Misc. 3, Sacred mathematics, geometry, music, harmonics, cosmology, cycles, fractals, chaos
Misc. 4 life and planets, E-O-IH and geometry, DNA, facial recognition
Misc. 5 human DNA, neuroscience, 9-8-5, 33, creativity, solar power
Prophecy, Pan, Harvest & DNA
Magnetospheres - Solar planetary vortex - 3D Holograms
Ether Vortex Physics
Language - Symbols - Pictographs - Creator's name - Native Americans
Tornados, name vs concept, flat earth theory, UV-light, sympathetic resonance, spirits
Tae and facial recognition, Ham, Shem, Guatama, I'huan, Ghan races
Mathematics, Reality, primary 3, E-O-IH, Cevorkum, Ethereans, face matching, DNA, Israelites, Music
Original Israelites and Jews
Israelites I'huans Ghans Adinkra Tesseract
Africa - Ham - I'huans
ETHICAL TEACHINGS OF OAHSPE, Government on Earth, digital money
Angelic star travelers, Human origins, races
Astrophysics, Optics
OAHSPE Contradictions Imperfections Cults
Infants Oahspe grades heaven progression
C allele, genetics and SNPs
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